“How to place a Rate Alert”
Decide on your desired rate either Higher or lower than the current exchange rate. You can check the current market rate on the right hand side of the currency today homepage
Please be aware the exchange rates shown here are "inter bank" exchange rates and are not the rates that you will be offered by Currency Today. Your rate will be determined by the amount of currency that you are buying. You may wish to call 0800 8620 237 to clarify the difference between the exchange rates offered and the homepage displayed exchange rates
1, To set up an alert click on the Exchange Tools tab
2, Choose the rate alert tab in the middle
3, Complete the form fields
4, Complete First Name
5, Complete Surname
6, Complete Email address
7, Select the sell currency here (labelled from currency) eg, GBP
for pounds sterling
8, Select the buy currency here (labelled to currency) eg, EUR for
9, Specify the Alert rate in the last field. This is the exchange
rate you wish to notified on. For example on GBP/EUR if the current
market rate was 1.13 and you wanted to be notified by email if the
rate improves, you may place a rate alert here of 1.15
You will then be notified by email if your desired alert rate is reached.